Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Randoms of Niger

Dearest Readers,

It’s been awhile. Tom got the wireless internet working, but there’s a funny thing about wireless, it only works with power! However, we have had a lot of power outages recently, so the internet hasn’t really had the opportunity to show us its best, but it’s still a huge blessing!

Blessings are typically accompanied by prayers… Prayers for our water pump would be much appreciated. I don’t know much about the situation, but I think the Pastor said it would cost around 500,000 francs (1 USD= 460 francs) to get a new pump for the village.

Here’s a bit of humorous pieces for you... (maybe you won’t think they are as funny as I do, so I used asterisks if there is a side story)

1. Last night at dinner we were reading our devotions, and it talked about Mary Poppins*. As soon as Tom closed the devotion, Laurey whispers to Marie, “Can you believe Mary Poppins is in the Bible?”

*The girls really enjoy Mary Poppins

2. I have discovered it’s much more exciting to take a bucket bath in the dark. On the same note, I have decided to not shower bucket bath on the days we go to the swimming pool in Maradi. Actually, to get really personal, I bet I only bucket bath on the days I run jog until I see something that’s demanding to have its picture taken.

3. Every day, the guard greets me in Hausa, the guard and I exchange our greetings, which is actually like a paragraph.. and then the girls laugh because I said something wrong. I’m learning Hausa is tonal, but the tones are much more difficult than Mandarin Chinese. Hopefully next week I’ll be able to surprise the guard by asking him something.

4. Running in sand is a great way to exfoliate your feet at the same time! I always have to dump my shoes when I get back!

5. Ellie always loves to ask me “Does you mom make ____?” Almost every night before dinner, Ellie will ask me if my mom makes whatever we have for dinner.. Sometimes I can say yes. “Yes, my mom can make pizza!” But usually, that is followed by “Well, my mom makes it best!”

And some fun facts:

1. The Tureg people (in Northern Niger) can survive on nothing but camel milk for days! Actually, camel milk has full nutritional value! I can’t wait until I can try some camel milk, but if it tastes better* than whole milk, I’m not sure what to do!

*I love whole milk.

2. There’s a chance I am going to get to learn how to make yogurt! Making yogurt is on the list of things that I have always wanted to know how to do!

I hope everyone is doing well! Send me updates:

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Typical Day

Yesterday, someone asked me what a typical day consisted of here in Niger.. So, here it goes.

I spend my entire day fighting off ear wigs.

I’m joking, but have you ever seen one? We just sprayed for them yesterday, but the spray made most of us really itchy.

Here is a more accurate description of my “typical” day:

Occasionally, the wonderful Mr. Boyfriend calls me just as I am waking up. Then it is time for breakfast before school starts at 8:00. Marie and Laurey have Bible/Prayer, History, Hand-writing, Language Arts and sometimes Literature/Reading before our 10:30 break. After break, we have Science, Math, and anything that wasn’t done in the morning. We usually also do some activities depending on the day and lesson.. Fridays is piano day! It’s usually a pretty full morning for school. Each day, I am surprised at the depth of Sonlight Curriculum. How many of us learned about Ancient World History in 2nd grade? I don’t even think I could locate the 7 continents.

After school, we have lunch around one.. My afternoons currently consist of picnics, trampolines, preparing the next days lessons (though I struggle to pronounce many of the Historical names), reading (for myself and sometimes to the girls), reading the Bible, checking my email to see if I have a student teaching placement, and lastly learning/practicing piano. The last one is quite the task, but I think it’s a great thing for the girls to learn, and I can’t expect them to learn without staying ahead of them!

Dinner is around seven, and following dinner I usually watch some Gilmore Girls on my computer and reading as well as working on a few special projects... We are still lacking running water, so if I’m feeling dirty enough I might take a bucket bath.

Weekends here are really relaxed compared to my 12 hour Fareway days. (I miss you all!) On Saturdays we usually go to the pool in the early afternoon and eat lunch there. On Sundays church is around 9:00 with a Bible Group in the evening.

I have also been using the “More with Less” cookbook a lot, but I’m afraid my English Muffins will never work out in my favor.

Other typical day things may include:
…Going to Maradi
…trying to use my Hausa with the guard (or others)
…Running (this is interesting considering the amount of sand that accumulates in my shoes)
… waiting for the power to come back on
For those on the count-down, I think we are down to 90 days left in Niger.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


This weeks lesson…

Find beauty in everything.

Did you know a single ant can carry an entire peanut quickly across a picnic blanket?
Did you know you can laugh for countless hours while playing various versions of Duck, Duck Goose?
Did you know you can also laugh for countless hours watching three children jump on a trampoline?
If anyone can learn from God though the beauties of Niger, they can also look into their own lives each day. I’m going to pose a challenge for each of us this week. Find beauty in something you have never made the time to notice. When you find yourself frustrated with the world take a look around and discover something beautiful. Take note of what you discover, and return to it each day.
Also, studies are wrong… never go to bed angry. The Bible says, and I trust the Bible more than a study.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Cats & Lizards

As I was typing this in a email to Curtis, I decided everyone might like a little humor in the middle of the day… (some will not find this humorous, and I think it would be better told in person.)

For those of you who don’t know this, I grew up in the country. I used to put mice in buckets and spun them around so they would be easier for the cats to catch. I know this sounds in-humane, but it was just part of living in the country. Yesterday there was this lizard stuck in the chicken around the turkeys. The lizard was stuck, and I thought he was dead because he wasn’t moving. When I realized he wasn’t dead, I tried to use a stick to get him out, but it wouldn’t work. Tom said the cats eat lizards, so he got this cat to come and get it. Easiest catch of this cats life, right? Not true. The cat tugged on the lizard for a second, and then gave up. I’m pretty sure the turkey ended up getting the lizard in the end, but I thought it was so funny that cats in Niger can adopt the same lazy quality as cats anywhere else. :)

I also need to mention that Laurey and Marie were throwing scraps to the turkey while I was poking the lizard, and if an orange peel hit me in the process, I would scream; which of course made everyone die of laughter.

Monday, September 12, 2011

First Day of School!

Do you know how to tell the difference between an ape and a monkey? A monkey has a tail, but an ape doesn’t.

Science Lesson One: Complete! (among other things!)

The first day of school was a success! We are reading the Red Sails of Capri, and doing lots of other fun (& educational) things! Our classroom has a timeline that we created on Friday, but we haven’t gotten to any figures for it quite yet. I am grateful for my education at Central—it’s tough to teach two different grade levels at the same time! After school, the girls also told me Sylvia would invite them over of an afternoon story… Thank goodness my awesome friends back in Ames got me the complete set of “If you give a Mouse a Cookie!”

In other news, we have been lucky enough to keep our water buckets filled with water from a nearby mission site.. maybe by next week we will have own supply of running water! I also haven’t had the opportunity to talk to my family much, I sent my mom a text, and tried to call Dad last night, but the internet is too slow. (Which is also why I haven’t uploaded any pictures!)

Friday, September 9, 2011

Today the girls and I cleaned up the classroom a little, and did some educational games. Saturday we get to swim at the club, and Monday is the First Day of School! Wish me luck! I also got cooking supplies for breakfast and weekend meals.. I tried to make granola last night, but made some mistake and just made clumps of oats. I was missing some ingredients.. so I will blame that. If anyone has any suggestions of foods that would be easy to make, send them my way!

Things that need some prayer attention:

Pray for the water pump to get fixed. It appears we won’t have running water for over a week. I think we have to get some oxen and pull it up from the well! We filled up enough buckets and bottles, but the swim tomorrow will be a great chance to get the stink away. ;)

Pray for my mother. Her horse passed away in an accident last week. It takes my mom awhile to find a horse she is attached to, and Lucy was a great horse. It’s hard to offer support over the phone while I am away.

Pray for disciples. Always. After seeing pieces of a country that it 99% Muslim, it would be very hard to be a Christian living among this community. Pray the Christians have the courage to stand out and speak about Jesus to the Muslims.

Pictures appear to load a little faster via facebook, so check the link I posted last time for picture updates!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


In Niger, we travel much like my family back in Iowa. We pack snacks, and only stop when someone is yelling “Baba, I gotta go potty now!” We made good time, and I am settled into my apartment. We had some great food, and watched one of the movies Tom’s family sent for the kids and now it’s time to get ready for bed. Tomorrow, I hope to organize all of the teaching supplies as well as stock my fridge for breakfasts and weekend meals! The internet isn’t going to be the best, and I am limiting myself (for budget and practical reasons) but expect to still see lots of updates! Hope all is well with everyone!

I am going to try to upload pictures to facebook... (wish me luck!) and this link can allow you to view them, even if we aren't friends... (it it won't let me know)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Today was the day to take the truck on a test drive before making the 10+ hour drive to Maradi. We "test drove" to see the giraffes. They were beautiful, we got to see seven of them in a big open range. Pictures of a giraffe and skull/leg are below!

The two teachers (Anna will come to teach when I leave) are pictured with the kids below! Some of you that know the kids will notice how much they have grown!

New blog!

Random updates!

I have decided to make my blog more specific. This blog will be the basis of my stay in Niger, and then I want to update people specifically on things they are interested in. I am hoping this causes some more interest.

I have also started a new blog, and you are welcome to check it out. It's That's And we live a simple life put together.

P.S. If anyone ever sends mail, it's BP 250 Maradi, Niger 4000. It will take about three weeks for anything to arrive.. but maybe just give me a heads up.. Mail isn't just put in a box outside the house. :)

Monday, September 5, 2011

Todays adventures

If anything, Niger is going to teach me more than I ever wanted to know about myself and my world vision. What a blessing.

Did you know...

... In Muslim culture you get further in life by doing good works? This causes a multitude of problems. The first that comes to mind for me are the people that continue to beg because they know they can get things from Muslims who think they are getting farther in life by giving to the people who do not help themselves. I am still learning a lot about Muslim culture, but

... Peace Corp in Niger has shut down because they feel it is unsafe to be here, even though the majority of the problems have had nothing to do with the United States?

... You can make very tasty mac and cheese out of "real cheddar" and powdered milk?

... If you are patient, your luggage will arrive sooner than expected.

... the RCA has a great exchange set-up with the EERN (Church in Niger)? The RCA has a partnership and we are living among the people training them to do a variety of things to help them better sustain themselves. The RCA did not come here and set-up a church. They came here and helped an already established church. They have their own style, culture and system alined with Christian beliefs and missionaries are here to support and live among them. Not make them more American.

... Kids here have such an opportunity to learn languages. French is the national language, and many speak some English, but in Niamey, there is also Zarma and some Hausa. What an awesome opportunity to make your brain work.

In other news, I have received one update from the states, and I am glad that ISU won. I have gotten to talk to both of my wonderful, supportive parents today. I also got to tour an International School. Visit for more info, but I'm confident I would recommend this school to any teacher or student.

I would love some more updates from the US (or any other country you may be in).

Prayers & Blessings!

Saturday, September 3, 2011


It's 2:30 PM and I am in Niger-- however, my luggage isn't.

It'll be found soon enough. Going through baggage claims with limited French was entertaining and I met some cool Chinese people who also didn't speak French..

All of my thoughts are random, and I hope to give some more details later. :)

It's beautiful here, the capital is my new home for the next couple of days.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

My Pit-stop

I have made it to my first put stop-- New York City! Curtis and I left really early, and Gwen (his mom) met us there. We also had a surprise visitor.. Dad!

I have a few things to share:

1. Traveling alone is.. interesting. When you have to go to the bathroom, there isn't anyone to hold your pillow... There's also no one to try and wake me up when the plane lands or they have food for you. There's no one to snuggle with or laugh about silly things with, I miss Dani. The plus side: I always fall asleep before the planes even leave the terminal.

2. I didn't forget my anti-malarial, for those who were concerned. I have them, and I will take them. Photo to prove.

3. My google voice number works to call. 563-265-5374. That's 563-ANKLES4.

4. I keep thinking about doing something exciting since I'm in New York City.. but I think some Chinese take-out sounds good. The nearest bus stop is over a mile from my hotel.

Love and prayers are going out to all you! Feel free to comment or email!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Matthew West - The Motions

Today I got an email saying they forgot to send me the addresses of the people who have helped make my trip to Niger possible. I spent an hour being quiet upset. I asked for the information months ago. I love writing Thank yous, I have been dying to do it. Now, I have one day before I leave, and just spent an hour wandering around Hobby Lobby to find the perfect things to make thank yous.

As I sit here and eat my Kraft Mac and Cheese, while writing thank yous, this song began playing. How beautiful our God can be. He's given all of the ability to do more than go through the motions. He gives us something to live for every single day. All of us have special passions and hearts to serve him however we can. For some, that's walking into a cafe and telling the waiter how awesome He is. For others, it involves working extra each week to give to his Works.

So thanks God for give me an ability to love writing Thank yous, or this could be a long night. And thanks to all of you for your continued support-- God gave you wonderful hearts.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Laughter is Key.

So these past few days have been pretty exciting here in Iowa.

My sister had her baby, Brant David. He's a blessing, and I'm glad he came a little early so I could meet him. Here are some funny quotes from that experience:

Braden (4 years old): "Hey, Ashie, the baby got out of Mommy's tummy! It didn't even explode Mommy's tummy! Come, look!"

Ryanne and Tyler got married. :) Everyone looked beautiful, and my date was pretty fantastic, too.

Curtis and I met our goal of taking 190 photos together.

When Curtis was in the UK, we set this silly goal of taking 190 photos together. We didn't know we would be *together* at that point, but we still met the goal. (Thanks to 4-H for making us goal setters as well as procrastinators.)

I have some free time to...

... catch up on Good House Keeping magazines.
... eat lunch and dinner with some important people I didn't get to see over the summer.
... drink some tea.
... bake.

I'm learning to laugh at small things and take God's gifts as life's beauties that we don't come across everyday. Staying with friends in Ames has been slightly stressful and living out of bags isn't the best, but I am excited to see three little kiddos in Niger very soon!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Flight Update

I am now flying out of Des Moines on September 1st at 9:10 AM. I will be spending the night in New York and arriving in Niger around 6:35 on September 4th.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Flight Information

Here is my flight information so everyone will be able to keep track of me. Keep me in your thoughts/prayers as Hurricane Irene comes in conflict with my flight(s). The times have changed a little, but otherwise, I'm guessing I will find out later if the flight is moved.

Aug 28th

7:00 AM DSM > 1:53 JFK (New York) DL 2666

(MSP layover DL 2038)

JFK 6:45 PM > Morocco 6:10 AM AT 201

Morocco > NIM Niamey 3:00 AM AT 543

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Contact Information

If you want to send some kind prayers, thoughts, or messages while I am in Niger, my google number is 563-265-5374. You can call and text it just like a regular phone from your cell phone. The messages will come to my computer. I will also be checking and facebook. Skype and other voice calls via internet won't be the best option while I am in Maradi.

For those who love sending mail:
BP 250

Maradi 4000


Oh, and the one thing I didn't get to do in Ames that I wanted....

Ride Cy-Ride (public transportation)

Saturday, August 20, 2011

One Week

I will be on a flight to Niger in one week. One week. One week.

I have less than seven days before I leave for a wonderful journey to open my heart to another place of the world.

For the first time in awhile, I have honestly felt rushed. I have loved my summer of working for Extension and have learned many things... I'm still learning a lot about myself as i wrap up this last week, but it has been great to connect with a passion for youth development with others.

Even though I have felt rushed, it will be fine. My heart (and suitcase) are ready for this trip. My lack of time spent with my family, however, makes me grateful for the Christmas return.

I thought I would also take this time to clarify some things..

1. I have withdrawn from Central for the semester. I will be student teaching in the spring. I do not get credit for this opportunity, but it is still something I feel it worthwhile.

2. Curtis & I will be fine. Most people are excited to see us together, and we will just be taking a short separation. I consider it taking one for the team. :)

3. I'm quite confident I'm being led in a direction other than teaching in the public school system.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

My day off!

After getting to see Kansas and the Doobie Brothers last night, I headed to Ames for my day off. Fair has been a blast, and it's a sad count-down until it's over. I couldn't have asked for a more rewarding job this summer. I have made fantastic friends, and had the chance to really figure out what my intended purposes are in life.

In 11 days, I will be flying out to Niger. I feel like this is sneaking up on me, but I have just been throwing stuff into the "Niger" pile in the back seat of my car until I have time to pack my actual bags.

I'm starting to see how much my life slowed down over the summer. I don't rush between things anymore and I take lots of time to process changes. As for the Niger trip, I am prepared, and my heart is more than ready, the timing is pushed, but a year ago this would have been normal. I have learned to enjoy small things and let others know what I find peace in.

Anyways, I haven't blogged for quite sometime, but I wanted to let everyone know I am alive and well! Look me up in the 4-H Building at the State Fair if you can! I'm off to the tractor pull with my family!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Count Down

So, in the past two days I have came to the realization that it is CRUNCH time.

This weekend is my last "relatively free" weekend in Iowa. And it's not even that free. I am trying to book in everyone that wants to see me.. And I don't want anyone to feel left out.

... And I am rather homeless. (with the exception of Emily letting me borrow her room to sleep in until fair!)

The current agenda:

Friday 29th
Work as late as possible in Ames
Meet everyone at Applebees in Pella for a Fareway gathering- like old times

Saturday 30th
Unpack stuff I accidentally packed at Dads..
See the family (and Sunday)
Drive to West Union with Dani to see Spike and Alyssa..

Sunday 31st
Go to church with Grandma

Work, Work, Work, all week and weekend, with hopes of being able to do things like

A) Finish my last summer class.
B) Go to the Cass County Fair.
C) Not have a break-down, I handle stress well, but, not the best.
D) Go home the 7th for more family time.
E) Pick up donations and meet with Leighton folks.

After the 7th, it's Fair Time until fair is over, and then it's time to wrap up Fair Time!

Then, let's hope I can take off early on Friday to have a little more family time before the 27th... (Ryanne & Tylers wedding)


I'm looking forward to getting some neglected reading and thinking done on those flights.

For those who are curious, my next "permanent address" is....
BP 250 Maradi 4000 NIGER

Disclaimer: This post is sort of a *rant* but it was much needed, and I haven't posted in a while. I LOVE my internship, and I am very bothered by the fact that it is nearly over.. which may be another cause of the elevated concern.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

You know it was a good weekend when...

... you get hit in the face with the top of an onion, by your boyfriends mom.**
... you spend Saturday trying to get all the homework done for a week because you know you will not want to do it at home with the family.
... your friend sets you on the curb for laughing too hard.
... this same friend convinces you to hang out with her instead of your boyfriend.
... this same friend then gets mad when you go to your apartment too early on a Saturday night.
... you get to work in the garden with your boyfriends dad and get to take some amazing veggies back with you.
... you get picked-up by your boyfriend
... then spend the day doing manual labor at his grand-parents.
... your boyfriends dad comments on how you eat SO much, and never get fat. While his mom comments on how you'd eat anything.
Onion story:
** So Gwen says, "Curtis if you try to go back to Ames while I'm feeding the horses, I'll hit you with an onion." I'm sitting on the couch, not paying attention, thinking "Why would you hit someone with an onion?" and then Curtis gets hit with an onion top, meaning it also hits me. I can't do anything but laugh at this point..

Saturday, July 9, 2011


Sorry to all my fellow followers who have been dying to be updated about my life, but I have been busy doing lots of things...

Work: Work is going well, and keeping me busy. At this point, I am rather certain that I will apply for a job with extension-4-H in some aspect when I graduate... unless I go to grad school... It's so different to me to not have a set plan right now. Since I was eight, I wanted nothing more than to be a Guidance Counselor and then a stay at home mom.. with lots of prayer, I am finding direction... multiple directions.

Family: I get to go home for lots of exciting things next week! I will be helping my sister with her first fair, seeing everyone, and celebrating my nephews birthday!

Niger: My goal has been met. I am very thankful for the support of so many churches and individuals. The weekend of August 27th will be the craziest time of my life. Curtis (see below) is going to be a lifesaver. That Friday, I will finish my internship, then take my car home. Saturday is Ryanne's wedding, and then we will leave from the wedding, and go to the airport for my 7:00AM flight. Curtis gets to drive me everywhere starting Friday.

Car: I have a loose exhaust system... again. Coat-hangers are only a temporary fix, who would have guessed...

Boy-friend: SAY WHA? For those who are out of the loop, I am indeed "in a relationship." And it's classified as "adorable." With lots of prayer and thought about my four months in Niger, Curtis and I decided we could survive. So far, it has been wonderful. More than wonderful.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Current Life Status...


Things in Ames are going well. I have been loving my job. I get to work to make people happy, and plan events. It's the perfect balance of people and space for me. I have been thinking about praying about opportunities to work for 4-H after I graduate in May 2012. I love the flexibility and the outcomes that come along with the job I currently have.

Also, I spent the weekend in Wiota/Atlantic with Curtis. It was pretty fantastic. More than fantastic, actually. I mean, i didn't get the typical family 4th of July at home, but it looks like they had fun too!

My Niger trip is also moving right along! I got my visa on Friday, and sent another $700.00 in for fundraising efforts! I have also started organizing my stuff since I have to move out of my apartment at the end of the month.

Other randoms:

1. I didn't have ANY food go bad in my fridge. I successfully managed leftovers.

2. I'm starting to run again.

3. I have some new books to read!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Weekend Update

So, my lovely co-workers think I should create a movie about my life... here's the first story about my weekend.

Picture me out in the middle of the field with sparklers and various things that need to involve fire. I'm scared to death of fire, but want to practice getting used to it. I decide that standing next to the person lighting the *object* is good enough. As they light it, I run away screaming and run straight for one of the people with us. I trip and fall...

... into the biggest, wettest cow pie anyone has ever witnessed.

Apparently, the kid was crouching there so I wouldn't land in the cow pie. Just seconds prior to the incident I was saying that I hoped someone other than me would fall into the cow pie because I didn't have enough clothes for the weekend.

Thursday, June 30, 2011


For clarification, I never wanted it to appear as if I "preferred" one parent over the other. Coming from a divorced family, it's important for me to not mention one parent merely because I mentioned the other. So, here's the low-down on my parents.

Mom- She's strong. I have seen her go through the roughest of times, and still pull out on top. She has held me while I have cried, and taught me to be strong and self-sufficient. She knows when I am struggling and too confident to ask for help. Such as sending surprise checks when I can't afford rent. She has always encouraged me to not let people hold me back, and to reach for the biggest goals. She has offered me a perspective on life that I would never get anywhere else. She has also encouraged me to get along with everyone and communicate with a variety of people.

Dad- Dad has taught me to form critical opinions and beliefs and stick beside them. It's worth it to put your faith out on a limb and risk having others not be liked. He's taught me I can survive living alone, and learn how to bake pies without dropping them in the oven. From my dad, I have also learned how important it is to create images for yourself in positive light.

In the end, both of my parents continue to challenge me to grow. Though I may not mention them equally, both have obviously had a major impact on my life.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Awesome People

I feel as if a shout-out to some of my friends is in dire need. Life has really been picking up for me lately, and it is because of some pretty sweet peeps.

Andy Jensen- Andy is always making me smile with random texts. He is so receptive to help and advice, and I am the same way toward him. We have a lot in common, and learn something new about each other everyday. Though he lives in SD, i am quite confidently able to call him one of my best friends.

Ian Andersen- He's a definite life saver. From getting away from creepy guys to borrowing your TV so you don't have to put it in storage, Ian is just one of those people I'm glad I have met in the past week.

Dave Kelly- Well, without getting into too much detail, Dave loves things that I don't. And he compliments my ruined pie.

Curtis Ullerich- No one can make me smile as much as Curtis. Sometimes I don't get his jokes, but I just laugh anyway.

The Interns- I never thought we would get to be this close. I love our hour lunch breaks and adventures in the office.

Andrew Lopez- I love watching him interact with people. Anywhere we go, he can introduce everyone and tell a story about them. He is very confident and out-going, staying up late chatting with Dave is worth dragging at work.

Keesha- I'm so glad I have her in Ames. I wouldn't know how anything worked without her in my life.

Morgan- Your company is greatly treasured when you come to visit. We think on the same page, even if we won't say our comments out-loud. Our vibe cannot be broken.

Ethan- What a patient friend. He helped make a table, dealt with my lack of grilling supplies, and even waited forever when I donated plasma.

Molly- Molly is a great friend. I know I can text her anything, and she is awesome to hang out with when she can make it to Ames. She can give me advice from miles away, and I'll be receptive.

Dad- He knows I can make it on my own, and he just offers words of encouragement despite the issue. He knows I'm getting stronger and wiser by the day and he can asses my growth in my faith as I prepare to leave for Niger.

I'd also like to give a shout-out to my good friend Saul. Thanks for being 31 and creepy.

Monday, June 27, 2011


As much as I am no where near being ready to marry anyone there are many aspects of life that show my outlook changing.

1. I am a submissive people person. I love seeing people happy, and I know that it is terrible to wait on people hand and foot, but sometimes I just want to make others feel happy. I usually say "I don't care what movie we watch," because I legit don't mind.

2. I have different lists for males. I have the list of men that I would date, and men that I would marry. Few men are in the middle of this list. Of course, someone needs to fall in-between in order for me to consider dating them, but I can't figure out why these two "lists" vary so much.

3. I now know some people guys just aren't worth it. I mean, I appreciate you buying me a drink for my birthday and calling me the most beautiful girl you have ever seen- but no, I would never go home with you.

4. I have started to refer to boys as men. Goodness, I'm getting old.

Discoveries that don't involve men..

1. I love planning gatherings, even if they aren't successful.

2. I can do anything with enough prayer. I donated plasma, have came close to meeting my fundraising goal for Niger, and even have done a few summer class assignments that I thought would kill me, lived alone... etc.

3. I can deal without structure and organization much better than two months ago. My desk at work is a mess, but I understand my system. I can't handle being tidy, unless it's my house, but even then I always make changes. I can make plans at the last minute, and not be let down when people cancel on me.

4. I can comfortably talk to people about my faith and journey to be more Christ-like. It used to be hard for me, but now I can tell when I am connected and just talk about my faith and the implications for my life.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Berry Pie


3 cups Strawberries
2 cups raspberries
1 cup blackberries
1 cup blueberries
2/3 c water divided
3/4 c sugar
1 envelope unflavored gelatin
1/4 c raspberry
1 crust

Mix all berries and set aside.

Mix 1/3 cup water and sugar. Sprinkle gelatin on top, let set one minute. Boil remaining water and mix until dissolved. Wisk in jam until blended. Put mixture in fridge until think. Once thick, pour over berries and place in crust. Let set for one hour.

Sorry the pictures aren't in order! I don't know how to move pictures around!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

In an attempt to grow my hair faster, I would like to share my "hair care solutions with you!" Check out this picture of the hair on my shower wall, that's about 1/16 of what I lose every shower.. Follow these steps, and I think you will lose less hair, and have better hair!

1. The classic egg and olive oil mix. My hair takes two eggs and one tsp oil. Cover your hair in it and let it set for 15 mins. (it feels dry and gross) Then rinse it with COLD water.

2. Speaking of cold water, that's all I'm going to use on my hair now! Wish me luck, cold showers are my least favorite thing.

3. Shampoo. I have an olive oil, aloe, avocado mix. I'm not sure if I will stick with this yet.

4. Don't comb your hair while it's wet (I'll have to tell you how this works for me...

5. Don't use any product or heat, and no hair ties. (Again, we shall see..)

Share any other tips! Also keep in mind that my hair is un-manageable and curly/wavy/messy.