Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Awesome People

I feel as if a shout-out to some of my friends is in dire need. Life has really been picking up for me lately, and it is because of some pretty sweet peeps.

Andy Jensen- Andy is always making me smile with random texts. He is so receptive to help and advice, and I am the same way toward him. We have a lot in common, and learn something new about each other everyday. Though he lives in SD, i am quite confidently able to call him one of my best friends.

Ian Andersen- He's a definite life saver. From getting away from creepy guys to borrowing your TV so you don't have to put it in storage, Ian is just one of those people I'm glad I have met in the past week.

Dave Kelly- Well, without getting into too much detail, Dave loves things that I don't. And he compliments my ruined pie.

Curtis Ullerich- No one can make me smile as much as Curtis. Sometimes I don't get his jokes, but I just laugh anyway.

The Interns- I never thought we would get to be this close. I love our hour lunch breaks and adventures in the office.

Andrew Lopez- I love watching him interact with people. Anywhere we go, he can introduce everyone and tell a story about them. He is very confident and out-going, staying up late chatting with Dave is worth dragging at work.

Keesha- I'm so glad I have her in Ames. I wouldn't know how anything worked without her in my life.

Morgan- Your company is greatly treasured when you come to visit. We think on the same page, even if we won't say our comments out-loud. Our vibe cannot be broken.

Ethan- What a patient friend. He helped make a table, dealt with my lack of grilling supplies, and even waited forever when I donated plasma.

Molly- Molly is a great friend. I know I can text her anything, and she is awesome to hang out with when she can make it to Ames. She can give me advice from miles away, and I'll be receptive.

Dad- He knows I can make it on my own, and he just offers words of encouragement despite the issue. He knows I'm getting stronger and wiser by the day and he can asses my growth in my faith as I prepare to leave for Niger.

I'd also like to give a shout-out to my good friend Saul. Thanks for being 31 and creepy.


  1. Saul deserves more of a shout out I think.

  2. What about all that Lisa has done?

  3. This post was more to reflect on people in my life in the past few days. I am sorry that it didn't reflect situations that have happened in the past few months, or my mother. It is very hard to always try to represent both parents under the same light.
