Thursday, June 30, 2011


For clarification, I never wanted it to appear as if I "preferred" one parent over the other. Coming from a divorced family, it's important for me to not mention one parent merely because I mentioned the other. So, here's the low-down on my parents.

Mom- She's strong. I have seen her go through the roughest of times, and still pull out on top. She has held me while I have cried, and taught me to be strong and self-sufficient. She knows when I am struggling and too confident to ask for help. Such as sending surprise checks when I can't afford rent. She has always encouraged me to not let people hold me back, and to reach for the biggest goals. She has offered me a perspective on life that I would never get anywhere else. She has also encouraged me to get along with everyone and communicate with a variety of people.

Dad- Dad has taught me to form critical opinions and beliefs and stick beside them. It's worth it to put your faith out on a limb and risk having others not be liked. He's taught me I can survive living alone, and learn how to bake pies without dropping them in the oven. From my dad, I have also learned how important it is to create images for yourself in positive light.

In the end, both of my parents continue to challenge me to grow. Though I may not mention them equally, both have obviously had a major impact on my life.

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