Monday, June 6, 2011


I'm thankful for...

... Summer Classes.
As much as I complain about them not working/the teacher being unprepared/taking too long/etc. I am thankful for them. Without them, I would not be leaving for Niger in 2 months. And it's nice to be able to take classes on your own time. I love learning, I apparently, also love to complain.

...People who listen to me.
Sometimes I just want to rant. I have a few (okay, one) person who lets me do that. They are very observant of my behavior and the changes.

... People who talk to me.
I love hearing about your lives, sorry if I don't come off that way..

... Music that describes my every move.
It gets me through the day.

... New/old friendships.
Right now, I feel like most of my friends like 45,654 miles away, but they are still awesome <3.

... Great work experiences.
As much as I wish I could be outside on nice days, I love having a nice office where I'm not forced to do hard labor for little money.

... Being able to choose religion.
On the days I am frustrated I can really look into life as being something deeper than what's here. Life wouldn't be worth it if God weren't pulling me through.

... Food, and an awesome apartment.

... Farm life.
I get to go trail riding this weekend! I'm still shocked that some people don't know I used to live on a farm.

... The chance to take chances.
I'm mainly talking about relationships, and I'm sorry for being blunt, but I'm happy to realize things would have never worked out rather than never knowing if it was "intended." As much as I'm sick of risking it, I'm glad there's always other options.

(okay, so that last one sounded a little *cocky*, but to rephrase it, I'm glad I don't have to be on one of those shows where you HAVE to pick between three people. I'm more of a fan of "learning to love someone.")

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