Monday, June 27, 2011


As much as I am no where near being ready to marry anyone there are many aspects of life that show my outlook changing.

1. I am a submissive people person. I love seeing people happy, and I know that it is terrible to wait on people hand and foot, but sometimes I just want to make others feel happy. I usually say "I don't care what movie we watch," because I legit don't mind.

2. I have different lists for males. I have the list of men that I would date, and men that I would marry. Few men are in the middle of this list. Of course, someone needs to fall in-between in order for me to consider dating them, but I can't figure out why these two "lists" vary so much.

3. I now know some people guys just aren't worth it. I mean, I appreciate you buying me a drink for my birthday and calling me the most beautiful girl you have ever seen- but no, I would never go home with you.

4. I have started to refer to boys as men. Goodness, I'm getting old.

Discoveries that don't involve men..

1. I love planning gatherings, even if they aren't successful.

2. I can do anything with enough prayer. I donated plasma, have came close to meeting my fundraising goal for Niger, and even have done a few summer class assignments that I thought would kill me, lived alone... etc.

3. I can deal without structure and organization much better than two months ago. My desk at work is a mess, but I understand my system. I can't handle being tidy, unless it's my house, but even then I always make changes. I can make plans at the last minute, and not be let down when people cancel on me.

4. I can comfortably talk to people about my faith and journey to be more Christ-like. It used to be hard for me, but now I can tell when I am connected and just talk about my faith and the implications for my life.

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