Monday, September 5, 2011

Todays adventures

If anything, Niger is going to teach me more than I ever wanted to know about myself and my world vision. What a blessing.

Did you know...

... In Muslim culture you get further in life by doing good works? This causes a multitude of problems. The first that comes to mind for me are the people that continue to beg because they know they can get things from Muslims who think they are getting farther in life by giving to the people who do not help themselves. I am still learning a lot about Muslim culture, but

... Peace Corp in Niger has shut down because they feel it is unsafe to be here, even though the majority of the problems have had nothing to do with the United States?

... You can make very tasty mac and cheese out of "real cheddar" and powdered milk?

... If you are patient, your luggage will arrive sooner than expected.

... the RCA has a great exchange set-up with the EERN (Church in Niger)? The RCA has a partnership and we are living among the people training them to do a variety of things to help them better sustain themselves. The RCA did not come here and set-up a church. They came here and helped an already established church. They have their own style, culture and system alined with Christian beliefs and missionaries are here to support and live among them. Not make them more American.

... Kids here have such an opportunity to learn languages. French is the national language, and many speak some English, but in Niamey, there is also Zarma and some Hausa. What an awesome opportunity to make your brain work.

In other news, I have received one update from the states, and I am glad that ISU won. I have gotten to talk to both of my wonderful, supportive parents today. I also got to tour an International School. Visit for more info, but I'm confident I would recommend this school to any teacher or student.

I would love some more updates from the US (or any other country you may be in).

Prayers & Blessings!

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