Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Randoms of Niger

Dearest Readers,

It’s been awhile. Tom got the wireless internet working, but there’s a funny thing about wireless, it only works with power! However, we have had a lot of power outages recently, so the internet hasn’t really had the opportunity to show us its best, but it’s still a huge blessing!

Blessings are typically accompanied by prayers… Prayers for our water pump would be much appreciated. I don’t know much about the situation, but I think the Pastor said it would cost around 500,000 francs (1 USD= 460 francs) to get a new pump for the village.

Here’s a bit of humorous pieces for you... (maybe you won’t think they are as funny as I do, so I used asterisks if there is a side story)

1. Last night at dinner we were reading our devotions, and it talked about Mary Poppins*. As soon as Tom closed the devotion, Laurey whispers to Marie, “Can you believe Mary Poppins is in the Bible?”

*The girls really enjoy Mary Poppins

2. I have discovered it’s much more exciting to take a bucket bath in the dark. On the same note, I have decided to not shower bucket bath on the days we go to the swimming pool in Maradi. Actually, to get really personal, I bet I only bucket bath on the days I run jog until I see something that’s demanding to have its picture taken.

3. Every day, the guard greets me in Hausa, the guard and I exchange our greetings, which is actually like a paragraph.. and then the girls laugh because I said something wrong. I’m learning Hausa is tonal, but the tones are much more difficult than Mandarin Chinese. Hopefully next week I’ll be able to surprise the guard by asking him something.

4. Running in sand is a great way to exfoliate your feet at the same time! I always have to dump my shoes when I get back!

5. Ellie always loves to ask me “Does you mom make ____?” Almost every night before dinner, Ellie will ask me if my mom makes whatever we have for dinner.. Sometimes I can say yes. “Yes, my mom can make pizza!” But usually, that is followed by “Well, my mom makes it best!”

And some fun facts:

1. The Tureg people (in Northern Niger) can survive on nothing but camel milk for days! Actually, camel milk has full nutritional value! I can’t wait until I can try some camel milk, but if it tastes better* than whole milk, I’m not sure what to do!

*I love whole milk.

2. There’s a chance I am going to get to learn how to make yogurt! Making yogurt is on the list of things that I have always wanted to know how to do!

I hope everyone is doing well! Send me updates:

1 comment:

  1. Some of what you write is so much like we experienced. We are so glad you have the opportunity to be there. hope you soon have running water!!! Glad you are getting some good out of the cook book. You may want to leave it there for Anne. Speaking of Anna, do you know how and what she is doing? With Love and Prayers, Sylvia
