Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Cats & Lizards

As I was typing this in a email to Curtis, I decided everyone might like a little humor in the middle of the day… (some will not find this humorous, and I think it would be better told in person.)

For those of you who don’t know this, I grew up in the country. I used to put mice in buckets and spun them around so they would be easier for the cats to catch. I know this sounds in-humane, but it was just part of living in the country. Yesterday there was this lizard stuck in the chicken around the turkeys. The lizard was stuck, and I thought he was dead because he wasn’t moving. When I realized he wasn’t dead, I tried to use a stick to get him out, but it wouldn’t work. Tom said the cats eat lizards, so he got this cat to come and get it. Easiest catch of this cats life, right? Not true. The cat tugged on the lizard for a second, and then gave up. I’m pretty sure the turkey ended up getting the lizard in the end, but I thought it was so funny that cats in Niger can adopt the same lazy quality as cats anywhere else. :)

I also need to mention that Laurey and Marie were throwing scraps to the turkey while I was poking the lizard, and if an orange peel hit me in the process, I would scream; which of course made everyone die of laughter.


  1. My cats in Equatorial Guinea would go for the tails of salamanders - which fall off quite easily. After eating them, they would then proceed to get ill! Good thing that cat was lazy :-)

  2. haha! Well, Tom said the cats will eat them.. but they would rather go after table scraps I suppose.. :)
