Thursday, July 7, 2011

Current Life Status...


Things in Ames are going well. I have been loving my job. I get to work to make people happy, and plan events. It's the perfect balance of people and space for me. I have been thinking about praying about opportunities to work for 4-H after I graduate in May 2012. I love the flexibility and the outcomes that come along with the job I currently have.

Also, I spent the weekend in Wiota/Atlantic with Curtis. It was pretty fantastic. More than fantastic, actually. I mean, i didn't get the typical family 4th of July at home, but it looks like they had fun too!

My Niger trip is also moving right along! I got my visa on Friday, and sent another $700.00 in for fundraising efforts! I have also started organizing my stuff since I have to move out of my apartment at the end of the month.

Other randoms:

1. I didn't have ANY food go bad in my fridge. I successfully managed leftovers.

2. I'm starting to run again.

3. I have some new books to read!

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