Sunday, July 17, 2011

You know it was a good weekend when...

... you get hit in the face with the top of an onion, by your boyfriends mom.**
... you spend Saturday trying to get all the homework done for a week because you know you will not want to do it at home with the family.
... your friend sets you on the curb for laughing too hard.
... this same friend convinces you to hang out with her instead of your boyfriend.
... this same friend then gets mad when you go to your apartment too early on a Saturday night.
... you get to work in the garden with your boyfriends dad and get to take some amazing veggies back with you.
... you get picked-up by your boyfriend
... then spend the day doing manual labor at his grand-parents.
... your boyfriends dad comments on how you eat SO much, and never get fat. While his mom comments on how you'd eat anything.
Onion story:
** So Gwen says, "Curtis if you try to go back to Ames while I'm feeding the horses, I'll hit you with an onion." I'm sitting on the couch, not paying attention, thinking "Why would you hit someone with an onion?" and then Curtis gets hit with an onion top, meaning it also hits me. I can't do anything but laugh at this point..

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