Saturday, May 28, 2011


Chivalry. Everyone needs some. I may be very "non-feminist" at times, but it is who I am, and I'm ready to accept that now.

I think it is awesome that Ethan is learning to drive my car. I don't like driving, Ames is even more overwhelming for me.

I like it when I go on "dates" or (out to eat in a situation where the other person not only pays), and the other person tells the waiter/checker what I want. This has only happened one time, at a Long John Silvers, but I was very impressed.

I like it when people make decisions. I'm flexible. If I actually have a preference, I'll let you know.

I like it when people A) ask for something. and B) are direct with what they like or don't like. (this is talking about food, etc.)

I also like all other "manly things" some females get worked up over, such as, opening car doors, laying coats down over puddles*, grilling. I understand women CAN do these things, but I would prefer not to.

To make things clear, I am not a push-over, and I'm not a "damsel in distress." It's just the way I prefer things.



  1. Then definitely stay away from the men in Niger. They expect their women to do EVERYTHING!

  2. Really? For some reason that is shocking.
