Monday, May 23, 2011

My weekan'

I'm excited to post about my fun weekend in Ames.

Some quotes:

Dan/Ethan: Knock, knock?
Me: Orange?
(for those that don't know, this is my favorite joke because I always mess it up)

Me: By the way, thanks for telling everyone my nickname.
Keesha: I didn't, you did.

Dan: Well, here you can use my pretty disk
Me: why?
Dan: Well. uhm... well.. uhm.. every girl wants to use a pretty disk?

You have friends?


Keesha and I hung out with Dan and Ethan. It was quite the time, but some friends were in Ames for the weekend, and sadly I didn't get to see them!

Saturday: Woke up to movies I have never watched (but apparently should have seen AGES ago). Had some wonderful blueberry pancakes. Spent the night showing up the boys with my mad Super Smash skills and eating pizza rolls... I think I looked stella at the store in my sweats. Everyone I saw was wearing clothes to go out.. but I was dressed for the occasion.

Sunday: My highlight? Ten piece KFC bucket with Dan and Ethan! I also went to 1st Pres. Church in Oskaloosa and over $500 were collected for Niger!

Lows: I sometimes feel like people are constantly ditching me. I mean, usually it's not something that can be controlled, but it's frustrating when people tell me I hang out with 'the boys' too much when they cancel on me all the time. Peter didn't get back from Chicago until after 12:00, so it was a late night last night.


  1. I hope you don't feel like I ditched you! I was with my family all day, so it wasn't like I attempted to make other plans...

    If it makes you feel better my dad wasn't able to fix my car and now I get to pay to fix it. :(

  2. I don't! It happened maybe seven times over the weekend, and usually it wasn't something important. And, it doesn't make me feel better that you have to pay to fix your car :(
