Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The plastics

Are always re-usable.

I bought a box of plastic forks, and I have every intention of using them more than once.

However, I failed to buy a box of plastic spoons. My soup was drank tonight.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Cops in Ames

When getting pulled over in Ames.. things are *different*

Question: Where are you coming from?

Hangover 2.

Question: Can I have everyones ID's in the car?


Question: Where are you going?

Our apartment, oh, well, like where? My apartment? Wrong? Well, we are all neighbors.

Question: What are you doing tonight?

I have no idea.

Question: Is there anything illegal in your car? Have you been drinking?


Question: Oh, your from Oskaloosa?

Yes'm. Thanks for telling everyone in the car.

Questions that weren't asked:

Why are you driving with four boys who barely fit in this car?

Do you know why I pulled you over? (headlight)

Are you 18? (this is a common question in Pella, I guess)

And when..

And when you picked me up, I prayed you'd never put me down.

For standing on my own two feet was never in the plan.

But prayers aren't for plans. Prayers are for intentions. Prayers are for God.

I anticipated things never ending, I still keep my chin up.

I watch you move around me, I watch the days pass.

This wasn't for summer. Summer isn't for me.

Saturday, May 28, 2011


Chivalry. Everyone needs some. I may be very "non-feminist" at times, but it is who I am, and I'm ready to accept that now.

I think it is awesome that Ethan is learning to drive my car. I don't like driving, Ames is even more overwhelming for me.

I like it when I go on "dates" or (out to eat in a situation where the other person not only pays), and the other person tells the waiter/checker what I want. This has only happened one time, at a Long John Silvers, but I was very impressed.

I like it when people make decisions. I'm flexible. If I actually have a preference, I'll let you know.

I like it when people A) ask for something. and B) are direct with what they like or don't like. (this is talking about food, etc.)

I also like all other "manly things" some females get worked up over, such as, opening car doors, laying coats down over puddles*, grilling. I understand women CAN do these things, but I would prefer not to.

To make things clear, I am not a push-over, and I'm not a "damsel in distress." It's just the way I prefer things.


Friday, May 27, 2011

Apartment Happenings

Some things I learned this week..

1. Living alone = sleeping however and where ever you please.

2. Just because you live alone, you might have company any time.. meaning..

a. take out your trash before it smells.
b. have soap in your bathroom.
c. don't leave unpaid bills lying around.
d. always have something for friends to drink (I thought everyone LOVED whole milk?!)

3. Watching movies alone is more boring than watching them with a crowd.

4. Food Portions.

a. You will get laughed at for eating the same thing everyday for more than one week.
b. You will disgust your friends as work if your bread is moldy and you eat it anyway.
c. A freezer can be your best friend.
d. Always eat meat that has been left in your freezer from the person before you.

5. Only old people fall asleep at 5 p.m.

6. It's okay to ask moms and dads for money, even though you are on your own.. however, don't expect it.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Monday, May 23, 2011

Andy Jensen

to my future husband*..

*Dear family and friends back home, this is not a serious post.

My weekan'

I'm excited to post about my fun weekend in Ames.

Some quotes:

Dan/Ethan: Knock, knock?
Me: Orange?
(for those that don't know, this is my favorite joke because I always mess it up)

Me: By the way, thanks for telling everyone my nickname.
Keesha: I didn't, you did.

Dan: Well, here you can use my pretty disk
Me: why?
Dan: Well. uhm... well.. uhm.. every girl wants to use a pretty disk?

You have friends?


Keesha and I hung out with Dan and Ethan. It was quite the time, but some friends were in Ames for the weekend, and sadly I didn't get to see them!

Saturday: Woke up to movies I have never watched (but apparently should have seen AGES ago). Had some wonderful blueberry pancakes. Spent the night showing up the boys with my mad Super Smash skills and eating pizza rolls... I think I looked stella at the store in my sweats. Everyone I saw was wearing clothes to go out.. but I was dressed for the occasion.

Sunday: My highlight? Ten piece KFC bucket with Dan and Ethan! I also went to 1st Pres. Church in Oskaloosa and over $500 were collected for Niger!

Lows: I sometimes feel like people are constantly ditching me. I mean, usually it's not something that can be controlled, but it's frustrating when people tell me I hang out with 'the boys' too much when they cancel on me all the time. Peter didn't get back from Chicago until after 12:00, so it was a late night last night.

Lost in the city

For unexplainable reasons, I love being lost in places I'm not familiar with. I loved taking random buses in China to the last stop and just finding something new. And, of course, finding my way back.

It's a thrill.

However, in my car, or in Des Moines.. Ames.. Pella.. I cannot stand to be lost. I feel like I have been defeated and can't stand on my own two feet.

It's plausible that A) I just know I can rely on others to help me or B) others notice I am lost or C) I feel like I should be the master of the location I'm in.

Aside from that, here in Ames I hate feeling lost at life, too. I think things are going well, and then my whole life crashes down. I spend two days stressed out about situations and then build myself up just to get knocked down again. I can pray about the situation, but I can never really get past it and conquer the situation because it usually involves people I have known for a long time.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


I have finally learned something that most of you already know about me.

I love kissing peoples butts.


Aside from the butt part, of course.

Want me to bring you coffee before class everyday? done.
Want me to get you more water? done.
Want me to make you a sandwich? done. (PB&J is always 60% PB and 40% J)
Need me to come to Des Moines to pick you up at the airport after you spend the weekend in Chicago with a girl? done.

Some people always tell me to stop doing these types of things, but it makes me happy.. so I'll keep doing them.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Life Advice

Today, I was told I was good at giving "life advice." Maybe this was a joke.. but here are my two cents* for today.

1. When laundry costs double what you paid at your old place, hang your clothes up. Don't EVER pay 2 bucks for a dryer. A rack costs about 5 dollars.

2. When people want you to run your butt off for them, just give them your two cents.*

3. If you think you don't have any friends, call home.

4. If you call home, and your parents don't pick up, Pray. God is a great friend.

5. If you call home, and make a hint about how broke you are, Mom or Dad may just tell you "that's life." If so, you'll survive.

6. Returning to the no friends thing, pizza rolls and alcohol seem to attract others. (Not that I have tried this)

7. If you never listen to your own advice, ask a friend.

8. Do what your friends tell you (if it's something that makes sense!)

*I wish I HAD two cents.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Ode to the cell

Reasons my phone rocks:

1. Everyone always holds it upside-down.
2. It texts people on its own
3. The top light thingie is broken.
4. It is only a touch screen
5. I don't have data
6. I have to change between symbol and t-9 just to smile at someone, or use a !.

Recent Life

7:00 AM Wake Up
7:30 AM Walk to work and eat breakfast
8:00/30 until 4:30/5:00 work
5:15 PM Get Home
6:00 PM Crash.

That's been my last two nights.

Other things I should factor in:
Prayer and Journaling
Eating Dinner
2nd jobbing (yes, jobbing)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

In conversation with my loving father:
"So, I don't think I'm cut out for a full-time job."
"Well, Ashley, don't spend full-time money, and you will be fine."
"Or I could start looking for a man that wants a full-time house wife. Notice, Dad, I didn't say house Mom."
"Well, those guys are usually the controlling demanding type."
"Yeah. Well, the good news is, I like to be a push over. I think I'd be fine with that."
In all reality, I LOVE my internship. However, I come home from work and cook dinner and I'm pooped. I'm hoping it's just a "first week" thing.

Monday, May 16, 2011

My very first full-time job..

... my very first office.
... my very first office job.
... my very first job that I (can) walk too.
.. my very first job with a Non-Profit Organization.
... my dream job-setting (ie, working with 4H)
... my first time not clocking out for lunch.
... my first time job that pays twice a month.
... my very first time living in Ames.

I did it. I'm doing it.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

A Good Post.

Most of my posts have seemed very melodramatic lately. I have tons of exciting things going on, it just gets easier to post about things that are annoying me.

I have almost finished unpacking at my apartment in Ames, I am very excited for my dad and step-mom to come visit! :)

Peter, Ethan, Molly and I had a great time staying up and singing Disney songs on Friday. I'm super bummed that Molly went home for the summer, but she will still visit! :)

It's really exciting that Keesha is up here! We went to Buffalo Wild Wings on Saturday and chatted it up. It's so awesome to see how the two of us have changed over the years.

I start my internship (well, not for credit internship) TOMORROW! Wish me luck, I tried walking there today.. and managed to get lost. It'll be fine tomorrow.


If you truly care about someone, you will do anything to see them remain in your life.

Even if that means not hanging out, or not inviting them over all the time. Or letting them do something that makes your heart ache. It's hard when the expectations weren't clear in the beginning, and you start thinking about how your life would be without these people in your life.

We all need those people in our lives. The kind we always want to be the first one to give them a hug when they have had a terrible day.

Even though the terms have changed, I'll still be here for you.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Ames Apartment

I'm hoping to get unpacked over the weekend and post pictures.. but here's the "What I already learned" recap.

1. Electric stoves are harder to remember to shut off.

2. Living by yourself is rather boring.

3. I wake up before half the town of Ames.

4. Apartments made for college kids lack lots of "house" things, such as a curtain rod. College kids don't have curtains?!

5. You have to pay attention to your toilet paper supply.

6. I learned how to use a parking garage, after I discovered the entrance is on the outside..

I'm sure once I'm actually living there, I will have more.

Monday, May 9, 2011

My new apartment..

Reason number 345 why I can't live alone..

I left my apartment to take Peter home. When I was hours away from Ames I was thinking about those attempted pancakes, and realized I never shut the stove off..

.. I called Campus Town, about 3 hours after signed my sublease and told them I left my stove on. I don't have a room mate, so of course, they had to shut it off.

Friday, May 6, 2011

In the moment..

I oftentimes live life too much "in the moment." I mean, I have had a lot of lasts in the past few days, and I haven't even taken time to realize it.

I missed eating Mongolian today, and today was the last Friday of the year for Mongolian.
I had my last two classes today.
I had my last big project today.
This is my last Tulip Time as a college student, and I'm working everyday.
Last week was my last inventory at Fareway.
Today was (maybe) my last Admissions Lunch.

All this being said, I do believe that we sometimes live in the now so much that we forget to look to the future. I oftentimes don't even realize something is a last. I never get to say good-bye because I always think I will see them again.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Bin Laden

Just a quick word, because I really don't think it's appropriate for everyone to be freaking out.

Jesus died and rose from the grave. You speculate this wonder and shy away from God because of the impossible.


A man is announced dead (which has happened before) and EVERYONE celebrates.

My thoughts:

1. "Do not rejoice when your enemy is dead."

2. Think about where your trust is.

Sunday, May 1, 2011


The day of the word.

Today, I spoke at Leighton Ebenezer Church to seek funds for my upcoming trip to Niger. My entire drive I was so nervous. I thought I was going to throw-up, and I'm not sure why. As I pulled into the parking lot, I sent my friend (who was also seeking funding from a church for an upcoming trip) a text message of encouragement. Then, I opened my Bible to John 15:16.

John 15:16 is a constant reminder of my Dad's love for me. His guidance and wisdom are immense. I read past verse 16, which is where it talks about seeking out to the world and even being HATED by the world. As much as I don't like the thought of being HATED. I have recently decided how acceptable it is to be hated. Sharing Christs love for the world is worth showing off.

I opened my talk at Leighton Ebenezer with my vulnerability. I told them about my journey to become more Christ-like every day, and the best way to do that is by getting vulnerable and uncomfortable in community.

Instantly, my heart was calmed. The rest was easy, and I spent the afternoon bonding (and eating great food!).