Tuesday, March 8, 2011

My day.

Today. Today. Today.

In short, I'll tell you what I learned today, and then you can read the longer part if you wish.

1. Miracles do happen. People can be down with a stroke and revive. People who are blind can cook 7 course meals. People who seem like they can knock you on your butt in seconds will smile at you and make your heart melt. Boyfriends who have no idea how to support you, will.

2. I need to process things before I talk. I can't stand it when people try and force you to talk. Mainly when I don't really know you. But if I want to tell you, I will. Promise.

3. I can still be the calm person in almost any given situation, even when I'm dying inside.

4. Sometimes, I just don't want people to touch me.

I left for a field trip to the Iowa Department for the Blind and Ruby Van Meter school at 8:00AM. After loading the van and taking off, I got a phone call saying my Grandma had a stroke. A pretty severe stroke. I couldn't do anything about it, and decided to keep my mind pre-occupied. And my, was it a busy day!

The Iowa Department for the Blind was wonderful. They actually left sighted people go there and live like a blind person! They offer woodworking for confidence skills. I saw a blind man building a dresser! How stinking awesome! As a final assessment for the home/living course they have to cook a seven course meal! I think about my own life, and wonder how many of us can do that?!

We left and went to eat lunch at the Ruby Van Meter School. I didn't really know what to expect. We walked into the lunch room and Dani and I were partnered with a teacher. Judy, has four twenty year old males in her room. They are non-verbal and very aggressive. I was spit on, hit, and nearly stabbed with a pencil. I was smiled at, laughed with and even kissed. It was blissful in a bitter state. I have never had my mind rush through so many thoughts at once.

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