Monday, March 28, 2011

making and breaking a day

1. Getting out of bed and having time to prepare for the day.

2. Kids. Anytime. Today, we had Mini-Olympics. It was 300 (or more) pre-schoolers running around and playing games. It was great. Multiple times small children were too excited to contain themselves.

3. Getting enough done during the day to have a free night.

4. Seeing people being supportive of others choices.

5. Being able to walk and talk with friends that NEED catching up.

6. Teaching a lesson that goes really well.


1. People being judgmental. As a Christian, it's not our place to give others judgment. This includes judging people about being judgmental.. ha!

2. Following up on number one, it breaks my heart to see people talking about how the Bible never changes. If everything was taken WORD FOR WORD from the Bible, we would have slaves. We changed our out-look on slavery, most of us have learned to reason with divorce yet we still only accept gays. We accept them, but most people accept them with the hope of bringing them to church and hoping to change them.

3. Teachers telling kids that they can't do something, without even letting them try.

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