Monday, March 7, 2011

Mr. Boyfriend and Mr. Not Boyfriend

So.. lots of people have been asking, "Why are you always with those two boys?"

My response: "Well, one is my boyfriend. And the other is my not-boyfriend."

The not-boyfriend is such an awesome friend. You are there for friends even when you are at wits end with your own life stresses. You make me laugh and feel like I'm actually a pretty decent person. You are so easy to spill my guts to, and constructive.

As for the boyfriend... he's pretty awesome too. I can't think of an unhappy moment together in the past month. We are still at that stage where everything is cheesy and adorable. It's strange. I told him "I can't wait until the day you don't make me happy." .. I didn't mean for it to sound terrible, but it was too hard to explain what I was thinking.

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