Thursday, January 27, 2011


People are always asking how they can be praying for me.. and here is my response.

Pray for the kingdom, pray for God's will. In all areas of life, one should consider what is best for the kingdom of God, rather than us as individuals.

...still, you may ask, "What about your life and your contribution to the kingdom?"

March 10th my room-mate and I will be leaving for our 2nd trip to Pignon, Haiti. In total we are about halfway to our fund-raising goal. This trip will be different than July, primarily because we won't know the entire team, and we are the only college students.

There is a possibility that I will be serving as a missionary in Niger this fall. One of my duties would be home-schooling the missionary families children. I made a good friend from Niger while I was in China, and it has been on my heart since that day. Don't pray that the opportunity will work, but rather that God will lead us in the right direction and give me the courage to with-drawl from Central for a semester!

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