Friday, January 7, 2011

New Eyes!

Check out my left eye in this picture!

I had muscle correction on Monday, and my eye looks like it did when I was hit by that truck back in the day! (for those that don't know this story, I'll make a post about it.)

On Monday, my Daddy took me to Des Moines and the doctor stuck a needle in my eye and fixed it. Now, it looks awesome.

The funny story... (there's always one)

As I was in the chair, the anesthesiologist came in to talk to me while the nurse put the IV in my arm. As he was talking, I started sweating and getting really tense. I couldn't hear anything he said, and felt like I was dying. I had a blanket on because the gown was rather "showy".. and I ripped the blanket off and had a minor sense of dying. The doctors shut off the lights and gave me a washcloth. They then made my dad come and sit by me until I calmed down.

The doctor was concerned because half the surgery was supposed to be done awake... but he managed to get the whole job done while I was knocked out. Then, it took them an extra hour to wake me up.

As for all of this sweating and freaking out about an IV being in my arm... my only concern is children.

Dear Lord, I couldn't even take the IV. I have told everyone I'm going to have 20 children someday?

1 comment:

  1. Ashley, my wife thought she wanted 4-6 children. After the third one came and we had 3 kids ages 0, 2 and 4 she decided she was finished. Reality bites in and we realize life's limitations.
