Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Pogoda and frog bits

Today we got to rest in the morning! Praise God that I took that time to call my dad and sister . Then we went to find a restaurant and had to point to random things on the menu (usually we point to pictures, or order for the whole group). Everyone’s food was good, except for my own, but whttp://www.blogger.com/post-edit.g?blogID=9215811544814193780&postID=5941966594364526462#e got snacks later so it was all good. After going back to campus, we got Milk Tea (it’s just like it sounds) and met Li Shumin to go downtown and shop/watch a movie/go to a water show. We took a bus and went to a store type place. There I bought a new purse and dress. When we bought the purse Michael helped me haggle the price down. She asked for 280 yuan, and we got her talked down to 230. It was hard without knowing very much Chinese, so we typed the number into the calculator (which is how they show us prices). Zoey, Jackie and I went upstairs to were the women’s clothes are and I found a dress that was super cute! We talked her down to 100 yuan all on our own! I couldn’t try the dress on, but I hope to try it on later! We then walked down by the movie place, but we voted to just walk around more. We walked around and went back to West Lake. From there we took a tour bus type thing to the Pagoda, which was soooo beautiful! West Lake is so gorgeous, I want to just stay there forever! We were approached by this old man who spoke English VERY well. After about 20 minutes of talking, we learned that he is 100 years old and learned English during WW2! He asked many questions, like why we say “The meeting is over” in English instead of “It has ended” and other things. He also informed us that there is a gathering of “English speakers” on Sundays that they would love us to come to. I think I would love to go sometime! The man so cute, and all of the people walking stopped to take pictures with us and watch us talk to the man. While talking, we also got cotton candy, which is SOO good. It’s pure sugar! After all the “touring” we went to this little restaurant and told Li Shumin to give us some traditional Chinese food. We had frog, fish (whole), and other traditional foods. (By the way it is now illegal to eat dog or cat after the New Year). I hope to upload pictures of the food soon, but it was all really good!


  1. Hahaha the little old man sounds adorable! Mmmm...cotton candy sugar!

  2. The little man was sooo cute :) We refer to him all the time because he is one of the only people who speak English!
