Friday, February 26, 2010

Plum Blossoms

Today we registered with the college in the morning. Basically, Li Shumin helped us fill out a paper and then we were done. It was soo cool to finally see other students around the building! There are so many languages within our dorm now, and it made it harder to pick up Chinese around us. After that Zoey and I biked to the store to buy socks and a tea holder (for the good tea Mike and I bought yesterday). The only planned event for the day was going to the Plum Blossom Garden, and it was very beautiful! I am still getting used to people taking pictures of everyone, but I really wish I could have those pictures! Today for example, this woman with a really nice camera and tripod was taking pictures of Michael and myself walking through the Plum Blossom/ Bamboo and when we were sitting inside this Pagoda type thing. I am sure that her pictures were really awesome, only I was wearing silly clothes because I haven’t done laundry yet! If her pictures are used for some type of American publisher, I look like a silly tourist. Since it was about 4:00 when we were done, Michael and I walked to a place that serves this bread/meat thing that I can’t spell the name of. Thank goodness our day was not that packed because my body has once again decided to not like the food here, I was up most of the night sick. I think it may just be from all of the tea that I drank yesterday, but it was the most painful kind of sick I have ever been! Tomorrow is a rest day, so I hope to do some fun exploring!

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