Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Count Down

So, in the past two days I have came to the realization that it is CRUNCH time.

This weekend is my last "relatively free" weekend in Iowa. And it's not even that free. I am trying to book in everyone that wants to see me.. And I don't want anyone to feel left out.

... And I am rather homeless. (with the exception of Emily letting me borrow her room to sleep in until fair!)

The current agenda:

Friday 29th
Work as late as possible in Ames
Meet everyone at Applebees in Pella for a Fareway gathering- like old times

Saturday 30th
Unpack stuff I accidentally packed at Dads..
See the family (and Sunday)
Drive to West Union with Dani to see Spike and Alyssa..

Sunday 31st
Go to church with Grandma

Work, Work, Work, all week and weekend, with hopes of being able to do things like

A) Finish my last summer class.
B) Go to the Cass County Fair.
C) Not have a break-down, I handle stress well, but, not the best.
D) Go home the 7th for more family time.
E) Pick up donations and meet with Leighton folks.

After the 7th, it's Fair Time until fair is over, and then it's time to wrap up Fair Time!

Then, let's hope I can take off early on Friday to have a little more family time before the 27th... (Ryanne & Tylers wedding)


I'm looking forward to getting some neglected reading and thinking done on those flights.

For those who are curious, my next "permanent address" is....
BP 250 Maradi 4000 NIGER

Disclaimer: This post is sort of a *rant* but it was much needed, and I haven't posted in a while. I LOVE my internship, and I am very bothered by the fact that it is nearly over.. which may be another cause of the elevated concern.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

You know it was a good weekend when...

... you get hit in the face with the top of an onion, by your boyfriends mom.**
... you spend Saturday trying to get all the homework done for a week because you know you will not want to do it at home with the family.
... your friend sets you on the curb for laughing too hard.
... this same friend convinces you to hang out with her instead of your boyfriend.
... this same friend then gets mad when you go to your apartment too early on a Saturday night.
... you get to work in the garden with your boyfriends dad and get to take some amazing veggies back with you.
... you get picked-up by your boyfriend
... then spend the day doing manual labor at his grand-parents.
... your boyfriends dad comments on how you eat SO much, and never get fat. While his mom comments on how you'd eat anything.
Onion story:
** So Gwen says, "Curtis if you try to go back to Ames while I'm feeding the horses, I'll hit you with an onion." I'm sitting on the couch, not paying attention, thinking "Why would you hit someone with an onion?" and then Curtis gets hit with an onion top, meaning it also hits me. I can't do anything but laugh at this point..

Saturday, July 9, 2011


Sorry to all my fellow followers who have been dying to be updated about my life, but I have been busy doing lots of things...

Work: Work is going well, and keeping me busy. At this point, I am rather certain that I will apply for a job with extension-4-H in some aspect when I graduate... unless I go to grad school... It's so different to me to not have a set plan right now. Since I was eight, I wanted nothing more than to be a Guidance Counselor and then a stay at home mom.. with lots of prayer, I am finding direction... multiple directions.

Family: I get to go home for lots of exciting things next week! I will be helping my sister with her first fair, seeing everyone, and celebrating my nephews birthday!

Niger: My goal has been met. I am very thankful for the support of so many churches and individuals. The weekend of August 27th will be the craziest time of my life. Curtis (see below) is going to be a lifesaver. That Friday, I will finish my internship, then take my car home. Saturday is Ryanne's wedding, and then we will leave from the wedding, and go to the airport for my 7:00AM flight. Curtis gets to drive me everywhere starting Friday.

Car: I have a loose exhaust system... again. Coat-hangers are only a temporary fix, who would have guessed...

Boy-friend: SAY WHA? For those who are out of the loop, I am indeed "in a relationship." And it's classified as "adorable." With lots of prayer and thought about my four months in Niger, Curtis and I decided we could survive. So far, it has been wonderful. More than wonderful.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Current Life Status...


Things in Ames are going well. I have been loving my job. I get to work to make people happy, and plan events. It's the perfect balance of people and space for me. I have been thinking about praying about opportunities to work for 4-H after I graduate in May 2012. I love the flexibility and the outcomes that come along with the job I currently have.

Also, I spent the weekend in Wiota/Atlantic with Curtis. It was pretty fantastic. More than fantastic, actually. I mean, i didn't get the typical family 4th of July at home, but it looks like they had fun too!

My Niger trip is also moving right along! I got my visa on Friday, and sent another $700.00 in for fundraising efforts! I have also started organizing my stuff since I have to move out of my apartment at the end of the month.

Other randoms:

1. I didn't have ANY food go bad in my fridge. I successfully managed leftovers.

2. I'm starting to run again.

3. I have some new books to read!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Weekend Update

So, my lovely co-workers think I should create a movie about my life... here's the first story about my weekend.

Picture me out in the middle of the field with sparklers and various things that need to involve fire. I'm scared to death of fire, but want to practice getting used to it. I decide that standing next to the person lighting the *object* is good enough. As they light it, I run away screaming and run straight for one of the people with us. I trip and fall...

... into the biggest, wettest cow pie anyone has ever witnessed.

Apparently, the kid was crouching there so I wouldn't land in the cow pie. Just seconds prior to the incident I was saying that I hoped someone other than me would fall into the cow pie because I didn't have enough clothes for the weekend.