Sunday, September 19, 2010

what I find adorable

So many simple things can make us happy everyday if we just let them. Here are a few that make me happy. Some of these are general things that may stem from other people.

1. Conversations with kids. Example:

Boy 1: "Well if you are in High School then you must be married."

Me: "I'm not married, but I'm actually in college."

Boy 2: "Well, if you are in college, then you have to have babies."

Boy 1: "Yeah you are old!"

Girl: Well, my uncle Reid is really old, and not married. My family says he's only a little bit weird." (Her uncle is 35 or so)

Boy 1: "Well, Ms. Ashley you can marry me, but I'm not ready for babies yet."

Boy 2: "She could marry me. But I want to marry Hannah, I wanted to marry her tomorrow, but I think I will wait until college."

2. "Can(May) I hold your hand?" If you ask, and the other person says no, in my eyes you still score bonus points because you asked. Asking avoids all of the awkwardness later.

3. Describing Marriage as a "3 part relationship." God should be just as important to the people in the relationship as the people.

4. Having your friends pull out Bible verses to solve your problems.

5. Star gazing

6. Wanting to stay up really late to hang out with friends even though everyone knows you are dying to crawl into bed.

7. Being able to accept complete honesty. Even if it came from a lie the first time.

8. The general "cute notes." These can be left on your computer, fridge, email, facebook.

9. singing in the car. Everyone has to be singing while driving, even if there's a terrible storm.

10. "You can wear your boots if you want too." Enough said. Anyone who tells me I can wear my boots wins.

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