Monday, August 23, 2010

my favorite time of year..

My friend Cara and I. Below is my little bro at the tractor pull.

.. is the Iowa State Fair. For those who don't know, I worked as staff for the 4H Building. We get awesome perks, like (almost) free food, and free housing, along with pay if you are staff. We get to show people projects and give VIP tours.. (story below!) I love working at the Iowa State Fair, and here are a few words to describe my feelings about fair:

1. Awkward. this is always my favorite word to describe fair!

2. Old. I felt old this year with so many new staff members.

3. Relationships. I was able to reconnect with many people.

4. Rushed. It ended too fast, college is starting on Wednesday

Funny story of the fair: I gave a tour to VIP's which included the Iowa Secretary of Ag, and Education, along with a sponsor for one of my scholarships. While closing with snacks and chatting, I tried to look cool and cut my veggie pizza like everyone else... and well, I managed to smash it in my face, it ran down my shirt and landed face down on the floor. The only comment made was "Hey, she forgot how to use a fork in China!"
In other news, there are too many amazing stories, but I will post some pictures so you can see what I was doing! (Keep in mind, I have been asking for a new camera!

My friend Kallen and I at the FFA steer show.

The most epic steer at the show. Shown by none other than Brent Sexton.

The staff doing the cupid shuffle.
My sister and me at MERCYME.

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