Monday, August 30, 2010

ways to a woman's heart

As people have been told, there may be many ways to a girl's heart. For each person, these things are different, but I guess I have made known the things that are most important to me.

The following are things I need to have my heart "won" over (according to others, of course):

1. Daisies.

2. Sunkist.

For those who didn't read "wedding and commitments" blog, I am not looking for a relationship, but rather good friendships.

However I should share with everyone what happened today. For starters, I woke up late. Everyone should know I am not one who enjoys waking up late. I prefer to wake up early and be super prepared to conquer the day.

Whelp, waking up late threw off my whole day, but as I started my homework, I opened a drawer to find a sunkist hidden in my drawer, followed by 6 more scattered around my room.

So to whomever this person may be, you just scored brownie points, but still no cigar. Thanks for helping me kick the sunkist habit.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Wedding & commitments

This weekend my friend Kayla got married. I took my friend Beau (pictured below) and he turned out to be a great date. I mean, I think everyone loved laughing at his "mad dancing skills." Beau and I had a great drive to Decatur, Iowa and ended up driving all the way to Des Moines in the same night to try and meet Beau's brother.

On a completely different note, as much as I love weddings and the beauty they hold, I have realized that my relationships with people and God are changing rapidly. I don't want to lose the people that I hold dearly to me, and I wanted to find the source of the problem.

After much praying and talking (and making bets), I have decided not to get involved in a relationship (with the opposite sex) for the entire semester. This semester shall be dedicated to God and friendships.

To those who think I can't do it, start placing bets now!

Also, listen up for my newest summer plans! I am planning to apply for the 4H communications internship, AND study in Ghana for one month!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

first day of school

After having a crazy and rushed move in, I must say that I am officially over half way (one day more than half) done with my time at Central College. Some awesome things are going to happen this year. I'm getting involved with campus ministries, I may be working with the Marion Extension office (4H), and most importantly... I am developing relationships that will last a lifetime.

After one day of classes, I could say I am excited about this semester, after-all, I do have a Dr. Purnell class. Dr. Purnell loves talking about China and speaking Mandarin.. he may be my outlet when it comes to handling the "reverse cross-culture shock." (By the way, I think sometimes people fall for this because their friends, family, etc. make a big deal about it.) Today, I have 2 education classes and my "Recent United States History" course. I'm a little confused as to if we will cover ALL of U.S. History because it's all RECENT.

Pictured are my suitemates taking the classic first day of school picture.

Monday, August 23, 2010

my favorite time of year..

My friend Cara and I. Below is my little bro at the tractor pull.

.. is the Iowa State Fair. For those who don't know, I worked as staff for the 4H Building. We get awesome perks, like (almost) free food, and free housing, along with pay if you are staff. We get to show people projects and give VIP tours.. (story below!) I love working at the Iowa State Fair, and here are a few words to describe my feelings about fair:

1. Awkward. this is always my favorite word to describe fair!

2. Old. I felt old this year with so many new staff members.

3. Relationships. I was able to reconnect with many people.

4. Rushed. It ended too fast, college is starting on Wednesday

Funny story of the fair: I gave a tour to VIP's which included the Iowa Secretary of Ag, and Education, along with a sponsor for one of my scholarships. While closing with snacks and chatting, I tried to look cool and cut my veggie pizza like everyone else... and well, I managed to smash it in my face, it ran down my shirt and landed face down on the floor. The only comment made was "Hey, she forgot how to use a fork in China!"
In other news, there are too many amazing stories, but I will post some pictures so you can see what I was doing! (Keep in mind, I have been asking for a new camera!

My friend Kallen and I at the FFA steer show.

The most epic steer at the show. Shown by none other than Brent Sexton.

The staff doing the cupid shuffle.
My sister and me at MERCYME.

Saturday, August 7, 2010


So, after a long journey, I am home from Haiti, with a lack of time to explain EVERYTHING that went on in a 2 week period, I will sum things up quickly.

1. God is alive and everywhere. If a witch doctor comes to Christ because he can't cast a spell on a Christian, why doesn't everyone accept God's grace?

2. I am a Goat Whisperer, I re-discovered my love my for animals while delivering and hauling goats across the country-side.

3. Working as a community despite differences can make and awesome team! We all pulled together with our strengths and did some awesome work.

4. Never carry cement buckets with your arms. You will get gravel stuck in your arm. and it will hurt.

Be on the lookout for other posts that revolve around Haiti (I'm still processing)