Wednesday, December 15, 2010

[insert finals rant here]

I get it. You feel the need to post a status about how shitty finals are. You take time to rant in your evaluations that ALL of your professors are terrible. You think it's appropriate to use your time off to get stupidly drunk, after-all you don't have a test until 3:30.

Get over it. We are blessed to have an education. Our semester isn't over, finish hard. We get to choose our majors and to be completely honest, I understand your finals are more difficult than mine. However, we choose our majors... some countries don't have that option.

This small rant is for me, as well as others, I mean, I have to memorize the entire International Phonetic Alphabet before tomorrow.. I won't complain, I'll just do it, or suffer the consequences.

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