Monday, November 29, 2010


Today, I wore sweatpants... I know this doesn't happen often, but I thought I would give it a try.

Here's the response:

My Boss, 8AM: "Ashley are you feeling okay?"
Me: "Yes."
My Boss: "I don't think so, how about you just do mailings today.."
Me: "k..."

My Boss, after 10 minutes: "I really don't think you feel well.. you aren't even wearing jeans today... you should leave early."

I left early. Score. Sweatpants on Ashley= illness.


  1. haha! Win! I never wear sweatpants, either. I may have to keep this in mind. I wonder if it works universally!

  2. lol nice... that at fareway or where?

  3. This was at my job on campus... admissions :)
