Tuesday, November 30, 2010

some things bother me.

Lately, I haven't been my perfectly happy self. I'm not sure what the deal is. I have a couple of ideas..

1) Either classes aren't challenging me enough, or I'm not letting them challenge me enough. I know I shut down when things get too hard, but I can only think of about ten times when I have truly been challenged.

2) I'm freaking out because things are going too well in my life right now.

3) I'm getting sick.

4) Graduation isn't that far away, and I'm rather sure I'm not going anywhere I'd ever expected.. Top things on my list now are 1) Teaching English as a Second Language in the US 2) Peace Corp in China 3) Something Non-Profit related.

5) It's Christmas.. and to be frank, sometimes the holidays suck for me.

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