Wednesday, July 7, 2010


I am currently angry because the internet will not let me upload beautiful pictures from Tibet! Check back at a later date for pictures of me riding a yak!

Other ramblings... please keep in mind that this is a blog, most of you are not used to me sharing opinions, so please do not be offended, I am just standing my ground.

1. Facebook. I am beginning to dislike facebook more and more everyday. I mean, do I really need to see 1,000 pictures of people smoking weed and chugging bongs, I mean that's your life.. but I can't even upload one picture during my entire stay in China. Also, all facebook does is suck people into stalking each other instead of trying to communicate with friends. Seriously, everyone who has ever had an ex.. you know how often you check out their page, it's stupid.

2. Boyfriends. For those of you who are still in either the shocked, or don't know it stage, Mike and I are not dating anymore. We dated for 2 years and we are still friends, we are still traveling China together, and I am not heartbroken. If anything, I have learned who I am, and I know that things will always work out for me. My life doesn't suck , I'm not going to die.

For those of you who are from my High School, you all lose the bet, I am in-fact not the first person to get married or have a baby. I'm more than grateful to say that. I give you credit if you have stalked my page to figure out that I am also not living in Oskaloosa for the rest of my life. I love all of you, but I hope that everyone has to opportunity to experience the world before they get sucked into the family business.

For those of you that are married/have children/are working.. whatever category you fall under.. you are so damn strong. I could never do that. Even if I had to.

3. English. Why is this beautiful language so complicated? I mean, is it necessary to have so many rules! I never realized how complicated English was until I saw so many other people who could speak broken English, but why doesn't Pig Latin become the international language of choice? Or more importantly, why don't English speakers take the initiative to learn another language?

I think that is all I have to say for the current moment, but feel free to leave me comments or send me an email.. I'll start checking that for real forms of communication as opposed to this facebook junk.

1 comment:

  1. I definitely agree about English being confusing-most of the time it doesn't make sense! The people I've met in Italy try their best but some things I can't even explain (how to pronounce Ceasar, scissor, and seizure...hahaha).

    Also facebook is pretty ridiculous! Some people are addicted but don't really communicate with anyone--just stalking others' pages!

    Miss you!
