Friday, June 11, 2010

First half of Xi'an

Yesterday we arrived in Xi’an. We are staying at the Shuyuan hostel for 6 days, and it is a very nice place to stay. It is cheap and they have pets.  Since we have arrived it has been raining, so yesterday we just walked around the hostel and checked out the bar since it has free snacks 
The hostel charged 190 kuai (per person) for the Terra Cotta Warrior tour. Since Michael and I know enough Chinese to have an adventure.. so we decided to wing it and go on our own (it cost Mike and I 162 for both of us, plus 90 more for a souvenir) . We took the bus to the train station and just looked until we found a bus that had a picture of the warriors on it and then asked how much it would cost. It was only 7 yuan.. so we decided to get on. We were not sure which stop to get off on since the bus goes to many places… and we were the only foreigners on the bus, but we were quick to make friends with some Chinese that spoke broken English. With their broken English and our broken Chinese, we decided to go to a different museum first, and then to the underground pits. From the museum we took a taxi for one yuan per person (7 people), but it required a pit stop to look at souvenirs.. I think the driver was a little angry that we didn’t buy anything because that is how he makes money! Nevertheless, we finally ended up at the Warrior Pits, it was very interesting and we got to know our new Chinese friends very well… Well enough that Mike and I are preparing to go to dinner and maybe the bar with them tonight 
Wednesday June 9th
Since Mike and I were hanging out with new friends until late last night, we decided to sleep in today. It rained off and on all day so Michael and I decided to go to the Bell and Drum Towers as well as some shopping (only a little, we really hope we can bring everything home). Tonight we are going to the Tang Dynasty show! It should be very exciting and there is a buffet that comes with the show (the show cost 168 kuai per person through our hostel)

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