Wednesday, September 11, 2013


"Goals. Why are we talking about goals, again?"

In graduate school I am learning we talk about goals quite a bit. For myself, I always have a long list of goals I am working toward. Mostly personal, some professional. I used to always think "Why are we sharing goals? These are MY goals."

There's a reason we share our goals. It helps us stay true. It holds us accountable. So, in lieu of being held accountable, I am sharing with my 70+ readers my current goals. 


No terse emails. Yay to not sounding rude, mean, or short in emails!

Propose my thesis. 'Cause it's that time.


Quit drinking pop. For realz this time. If you see me running in some new shoes after October 21, that means I didn't drink pop between now and then. 

Exercise at least 4 times a week, and vary the workout, so far Zumba, running, weights and biking. I get in such a "rut" of only running. Only running, terrible right? I find that if I run everyday, I get unmotivated because it's the same thing all the time.

There's more, but this is a good start to the accountability factor.

In other news, we made the Iowa 4-H Foundation blog!

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