Wednesday and Thursday I attended the Iowa Non-profit Summit in Des
Moines. The Summit was a great place to network with other non-profits
as well as other AmeriCorps members. I came back with new ideas for
things to implement at Youth and Shelter Services (YSS) as well as some
ideas that will carry over into future work.
Things I wish I knew:
1. One of the sessions was focused on service-learning. I thought it was
the type of service-learning done with high-schoolers and middle
schoolers, but it was actually college service-learning, which is pretty
different. This session was still interesting, but the knowledge will
be filed away for a couple of years. :)
2. To bring snacks. It's always about the snacks.
Major take away messages:
1. Whats your 50?
Iowa's Governor has released the challenge for all Iowans to volunteer
50 hours in one year! That's about an hour a week for those math wizards
out there. Mentor a youth, check out the volunteer opportunities in your county, or become a 4-H volunteer!
The average Iowan already volunteers 34 hours per year, so why not
step-up your service! Make the commitment to make Iowa the healthiest
and most dedicated state today! Share what you are doing in your
community below!
2. Handing out dollar bills increases participation in discussion.
3. Public value is important to stakeholders. As I write my Great
Stories and talk about my program, I need to talk about the works
importance to the community and state as a whole, rather than just the
participant value.
4. Rumor has it, drinking from a camelback straw could cause wrinkles.