I have been waiting. Waiting for literally over one month to hear back about starting the data collection phase of my thesis study. I have been feeling like my whole life was on hold because that's the only thing left to finish my master's program. This morning I even woke up and got coffee, per routine and then climbed back in bed until noon because I can't clean any more things while waiting for the email.
I couldn't book a flight to visit Curtis because I could be collecting data. I was scared to go to the Jamaica wedding because I could be defending those days. I couldn't do anything but wait. However, last week I booked the wedding trip to Jamaica and at 1 AM last night, Curtis and I (mostly Curtis) booked a flight to California in November. I just hoped that the timing would work out.
Last night, I sent another email to IRB asking about my study. This morning, conveniently, I had an email of approval in my inbox. Step 4,632 has begun, folks!
So, Actually, Ashley, just when you think you have time for craft days and long workouts and sleeping until noon. Your whole world changes.